The world is in desperate need of the authentic voice of God. If the church is to be a force to be reckoned with and if Christians are to become agents of change as a transformative voice to the next generation, then we need to be tuned in to what God wants to tell us! Do you find yourself struggling to hear God's voice and get clarity, but want to? Curious about the Prophetic and want to be empowered to flow in the gift? Desire to have deeper access to the thoughts of God and long to impact other people’s lives? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the event you’ve been waiting for! We've designed this Prophetic Masterclass just for you! Come join Sean and Christa Smith and special Prophetic guest, Julian Adams, to get activated and equipped in the Prophetic gift in your life!

Masterclass Breakdown

15 Powerful Videos - Including General Sessions, Prophetic Ministry, Activations, and a Question & Answer Panel

    1. Session 1 - Sean Smith (PART 1)

    2. Session 1 - Sean Smith (PART 2)

    3. Session 2 - Christa Smith & Prophetic Ministry (PART 1)

    4. Session 2 - Christa Smith & Prophetic Ministry (PART 2)

    5. Session 3 - Julian Adams (PART 1)

    6. Session 3 - Julian Adams (PART 2)

    7. Session 4 - Sean Smith (PART 1)

    8. Session 4 - Sean Smith (PART 2)

    9. Session 5 - Julian Adams (PART 1)

    10. Session 5 - Julian Adams (PART 2)

    11. Session 6 - Christa Smith (PART 1)

    12. Session 6 - Christa Smith (PART 2)

    1. Prophetic Ministry & Activation - Part 1

    2. Prophetic Ministry & Activation - Part 2

    3. Question & Answer Panel

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

Sean Smith

Sean is the Co-Director of Sean and Christa Smith Ministries. With over 3 decades of ministry experience Sean has been involved in University outreaches, overseas ministry, numerous conferences, Bible schools and has been a forerunner for equipping the body of Christ in Prophetic Evangelism.  Sean has authored 4 books including his most recent "Prophetic Evangelism: The Legacy Edition". His heart burns to see an outpouring of the Spirit transform this nation. He is married to Christa and is the father of two children, Brandon and Brittany. He loves reading books and training in MMA. Sean resides in San Ramon, CA and travels full time evangelizing the nations and equipping & revitalizing God's people for the next great awakening.

Christa Smith

Whether speaking nationally or internationally, Christa’s passion for the Lord pours out of her. Christa delivers what she hears from the Holy Spirit with humor, accuracy, and powerful personal experiences. She is known for her passionate preaching and down to earth approachability, but what many people don’t know is that Christa is a student of Krav Maga, a home design enthusiast, and lover of all things cozy! Christa’s background includes graduating from Seattle Pacific University with a degree in Communication. She then went on to Hillsong International Leadership College in Sydney, Australia where she completed the Pastoral Ministry Program. Christa has added author to her resume by releasing her first book, ‘Singled Out in a Couples World’.  She currently resides in the San Francisco Bay area and travels full time with her husband, Sean, ministering together throughout America & beyond.

Julian Adams

Julian is a director of Frequentsee and pastor of The Table Boston Church. He is an author, spiritual advisor, revelatory teacher and leadership consultant in political, business, and creative spheres. An internationally recognized prophet, Julian has a proven track record in the fulfillment of words released over individuals, communities, and nations.